Don’t saw myself as a frontend developer, because not so like visualizing and make up pages. I – almost backend developer in head.
I know all public CMS like: Drupal, Joomla, WordPress, Magento, etc.
But don’t like them because of bad code and low security, overfilled code, etc.
PHP frameworks: Zend Framework, Kohana, CakePHP, CodeIgniter, Symfony, Yii (I using them for analysis purpose mostly and more of them are pretty similar, based on routing map methods, some have good ideas like CRUD, ActiveRecord etc.)
MySql – primary, other – limited experience, but I would love to expand it.
I am interesting on creation and optimization databases to store and process huge amounts of data. Now I am collecting domains & pages & searchengine positions database for SEO analytic purpose.
PHP – is my life. Shell – mostly for Linux utility tasks, Perl & C++ & C – coded in past, one of my first languages. C# - not so much experience but would love to expand if have interesting task with it.
Linux administration: Full based OS install and configure for hosting and other purpose OpenSuse\Fedora\Debian\Ubuntu\Gentoo\Mandriva\CentOS: iptables\apf, Mail Exim\Postfix\Qmail\Courier Mail Server\CommuniGate Pro, Apache 1.X-2.X versions with multilanguage support\Nginx, Named(BIND), PHP 4.X-5.X, MySQL Community Server 4-5, pureftpd\proftpd, shell scripts for backups anti ddos etc.
Currently - full administration Linux servers (OpenSuse), primary for Web and Hosting Tasks.
All libs compiling from src with needed options. Don’t like rpm and standard packages. Can easily to I can easily get drawn into any Unix system.
For now I have Nginx & Apache with 3 different PHP 5.X versions (2 for production and 1 for testing purpose).
.Stuff that i use
Other technologies and assets: MVC, Subversion, Zend, UML, Network management tcp/ip, hardware installation & setup, good ability to understand code written by others.
Mac OS\Mac OS X, Windows 3.11-Windows 7 installations, customizations and using.
OS working with now: Linux, Windows 7\XP, Mac OS X, DOS.